Join Alex and Mat as they discuss current and past events in the world of entertainment and pop culture, on occasion visited by cool guests.
3 years ago

You Know I Love Money with Mike Ferguson

The boys sit down with the tattoo'd, jacked up, lovable heavy Mike Ferguson as he talk about his career.

3 years ago

Checking the Gate: Richard Donnor

The boys pay their respects while introducing a new segment called Checking the Gate. Where they discuss the careers and pay respects to their favorite directors. First up Richard Donnor (The Omen, The Goonies, Lethal Weapon franchise)

3 years ago

Fighting the Good Fight with Joe Castro

The boys welcome the great Joe Castro to the show to discuss his come up in the FX and directing world. We also get into Joe's movement to help bring awareness to indie filmmakers losing their films to distributors that are known to miss handle them.

3 years ago

R.I.P Norm MacDonald with Greg DeLiso

The Outlaw comedy legend Norm MacDonald is discussed in this special tribute episode featuring Norm fan and Hectic Knife director Greg DeLiso

3 years ago

You Probably think I'm the Greasy Strangler with Michael St. Michaels

The Cast sits down with Michael St. Michael who played Big Ronnie in 2016's smash indie hit The Greasy Strangler.... Michael stops in to talk about his career and getting greasy!

3 years ago

The New Don of New York with James Lorinz

The boys welcome the awesome James Lorinz (Frankenhooker, King of New York, Street Trash, The Irishman) to the show to open up a bag of supercrack. Take a big hit and enjoy some great stories from his career!

3 years ago

Trailer Talk - Spider-Man No Way Home

The boys run through the new trailer for Spider-Man No Way Home

3 years ago

TOP TEN A.D. Philip Seymour Hoffman

In this installment of the longest running segment these characters pull we bring you top ten AD Philip Seymour Hoffman... Listen as the Demented Duo breakdown mentally and physically as they talk about each of their top ten favorite films of his.

3 years ago

Reviewernator: Gunn's Up - The Suicide Squad

The Gang is Joined by Lil BB Steps to discuss the much anticipated The Suicide Squad from writer/director James Gunn.

3 years ago

Bad Babysitting with Keith Coogan

The Boys sit down with the great Keith Coogan from Adventures in Babysitting, Don't tell Mom the Babysitter is Dead, The Fox in the Hound and Toy Soldiers to name a few. This was a good time.